Wood-destroying organisms (WDI) are capable of causing significant property damage. The signs of termite, powderpost beetle or other wood-destroying insect activity isn’t always simple to spot, but early detection can help preserve your investment and save you thousands in repair costs. That’s why we recommend WDO inspections be included as part of any general home inspection and before finalizing any real estate transaction.
AmeriSpec termite inspectors receive special training to assist in the wood-destroying organism inspection process. AmeriSpec termite experts, where available, identify clear warning signs of possible damage to your home or business, taking time to determine whether or not your property may require additional treatment.
When hiring a home inspector, asking for a WDO or other specialty inspection can be a valuable, easily-added step to safeguard your property’s long-term health. Whether you’re looking to protect your newly purchased home or ease the mind of a potential buyer, local wood-destroying organism inspectors can help perform inspections identifying a range of possible damage from:
AmeriSpec experts suggest homebuyers hire a qualified termite inspector to avoid repair costs that, normally, won’t be covered by your homeowners’ insurance. Before finalizing an investment in any home, ask your local AmeriSpec home inspector if they offer WDO inspection services.
AmeriSpec home inspectors with WDO training are prepared to look for signs of termite and other infestations by evaluating your home or business’ exterior and interior. An inspector might examine the perimeter, checking where the building’s siding meets soil or mulch. Our inspectors also carefully check decks, porches, balconies and, if required, your home’s attic.
AmeriSpec termite inspectors survey properties thoroughly, typically using a screwdriver or other inspection tool to test if any wood within the home or its structure has been weakened. Wood-destroying insects consume wood, eventually softening it and making it susceptible to collapse. Our local inspectors also know to search for mud tunnels, a common indication of hidden WDO access points.
As part of your wood-destroying insect inspection, AmeriSpec inspectors generally complete the NPMA-33 Wood Destroying Insect Inspection form. Depending on the results, you may need to consider treatment by a licensed pest control company. If necessary, your local inspector can help you find treatment options for your unique WDO needs.
In addition to your home’s exterior, inspectors will check for wood-destroying insects near or under all sink cabinets, visible floor joists, rim joists or band boards, beams and posts. For more information on what you can expect during the WDO inspection process, read our comprehensive guide covering everything you’ll need to know come inspection day.