The presence of mold in your home can impact your investment considerably. Even more importantly, unabated mold exposure over extended periods of time may result in serious adverse health effects.
Partnering with an AmeriSpec specialist to test for mold can help identify a mold issue before it gets out of hand, ultimately equipping you with the information you need to make informed investments and responsible residential decisions.
Mold might sound a little scary. And that fear comes with good reason. Exposure to indoor mold can, in fact, be quite harmful. The best way to arrive at a conclusive mold assessment and create a treatment plan, if necessary, is to start with a mold test from a local AmeriSpec professional.
While it is true that mold can be found both indoors and outdoors, individual sensitivity levels to mold differ from person to person, and inhalation of poisonous spores becomes more likely if those spores are present indoors. According to the CDC, individuals with heightened sensitivities, allergies or asthma may experience “intense reactions” to mold exposure.
Further scientific studies conducted by the Institute of Medicine and World Health Organization suggest that indoor mold exposure can even cause upper respiratory tract symptoms and may be responsible for increasing the chance young children develop asthma.
To keep you and your investment safe and prevent mold exposure, AmeriSpec mold specialists test the air in your home using state-of-the-art mold equipment, including an air pump and sampling cassette. After gathering the air sample, we immediately send it to a leading analytic lab for expert results. If any mold presence becomes obvious during the sampling phase or is pointed out to an AmeriSpec mold specialist by a property owner, we can also swab the area by hand and expedite it to our lab partners for additional analysis.
Our mold testers won’t just hand you a complicated report jammed full of numbers and data. AmeriSpec mold testers will help you understand the results and provide honest input without the conflict of having financial interest in any potential need for remediation. While a homeowner may need mold inspections regularly, these tests are crucial to protect both buyers and sellers during real estate transactions.