Don't Let Hidden Issues Become Costly Headaches  Schedule a Pre-Drywall Inspection Today!

A pre-drywall home inspection is a crucial step in the construction process, offering a valuable opportunity to identify and address potential problems before drywall is installed. AmeriSpec Inspection Services provides comprehensive pre-drywall inspections, ensuring that new homes are built with quality and adhere to safety regulations.

What is a Pre-Drywall Inspection?

A pre-drywall inspection takes place after the framing of a new house is complete, but before the drywall is installed. This provides home inspectors with clear access to crucial components of the structure and allows for a thorough examination.

What an AmeriSpec Home Inspector Looks For:

Our experienced and certified home inspectors meticulously examine various aspects of new homes during a pre-drywall inspection. Here's what we focus on:

  • Foundations and Floors: We inspect the foundation for cracks, settlement issues and proper drainage. Floor systems are checked for levelness, proper support and potential defects in materials or installation.
  • Wall Systems: Our inspectors examine wall framing for proper construction, ensuring studs are correctly sized, spaced and more. We also verify proper installation of fire blocking and sheathing materials.
  • Electrical Systems: An AmeriSpec home inspector ensures electrical wiring is properly installed, meets code requirements, and includes the necessary junction boxes and outlets.
  • Roof System: We inspect the roof for proper installation to help ensure it meets code specifications and can withstand different types of weather. In addition, flashing on the roof is also examined for proper water drainage.
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (HVAC): Our inspectors verify HVAC systems are correctly installed and sealed to prevent air leaks. We also check the placement of vents and ensure systems function properly.
  • Waterproofing: AmeriSpec home inspectors examine waterproofing materials used around the foundation and exterior walls to help ensure proper installation and effective prevention of water intrusion.

Benefits of a Pre-Drywall Inspection With AmeriSpec:

  • Early Detection of Issues: Identifying problems before drywall goes up saves time, money and prevents major headaches later.
  • Quality Assurance: Pre-drywall inspections verify new homes are built according to plans and specifications to help ensure quality construction.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing a new home has been thoroughly inspected by an AmeriSpec professional offers valuable peace of mind throughout the construction process.
  • Improved Communication: Our expert home inspectors will prepare a detailed report outlining their findings and provide clear communication to address any identified concerns.

Invest in the Future With AmeriSpec Pre-Drywall Inspections

AmeriSpec Inspection Services is committed to providing you with the right information and peace of mind.

Contact us for a thorough pre-drywall home inspection for new construction.

Schedule a Pre-Drywall Inspection Today!