You've found your perfect home (yay!), and now it's time to actually move houses. We've compiled an expert checklist of moving tips to keep you on track.
Purchase a home: Check! Now it’s time to plan and organize for your move. When the countdown to closing starts, turn to this helpful moving checklist and don’t leave the day to chance.
Planning for Your Move
8 weeks before moving:
- Begin cleaning out all closets and spaces such as the attic or garage as these generally take some time to fully clean out.
- For unwanted items, you may want to look into hosting a garage sale or donating them to charity.
- Work on transferring all important data and records to your new address, including school records, any subscriptions, charge accounts, insurance company, etc.
4-6 weeks before moving:
- If packing on your own, now is a good time to start! Be sure you label everything effectively with what’s inside and what room it goes in.
- Begin canceling anything associated with your current home such as cable, Internet, cleaning, or maintenance services, by letting them know the date you are planning to move.
- Make sure to get all utilities canceled at your current address and have the services switched to your new address and ready to activate when you move in.
The Week Of The Move:
- Get together a few necessary items you’ll want on the final day at your home – chargers, cleaning supplies, toiletries, snacks – so you have what you need when everything else is packed.
- Finish any last-minute cleaning you might have in your old home.
- Wrap up all packing tasks and have everything boxed and labeled prior to professional movers arriving at your home.
- Be sure to complete the USPS change of address form before departing from your old home.
Day Of The Move:
- Pack yourself and your family a bag or “day of the move” box with any essential items and clothing options you might need to get you through moving day while all of your other belongings are packed away.
- Be sure you’re at your home and ready to walk through with the movers when they arrive. Let them know of any question or concerns you have, or if there’s anything they need to be aware of.
- Make sure there is a clear and accessible path in and out of the home for your movers. If your move takes place during the winter months, clear out snow or ice to keep everyone safe.
- After everything has been loaded onto the moving truck, do a final walkthrough of your home to ensure everything has been loaded. Turn off lights, thermostats, lock windows and doors, and head to your new home.
After You’ve Cleared Some Boxes
Remember to tie up those loose ends and help get settled into your new home.
- Check with the post office to see if there is any mail that is being held for you.
- Register your cars. Also, register to vote in your new area.
- Finish enrolling children in school. Remember to take prior school and medical records with you.
- Obtain numbers needed in an emergency, such as the fire and police departments.
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