Take the guesswork out of who to bring in for your multi-location and multi-state property inspections. Trust AmeriSpec to be available when and where you need us.

For accurate, objective and timely information about the condition of your properties located in multiple areas (even more than one state), rely on AmeriSpec’s experience and expertise. And with a work-order management system to keep your large-scale, multi-state projects on track, you’ll save administrative time and money. Plus, we customize inspection reports to fit your unique scope of work.

With more than three decades of experience providing property owners and managers detailed, accurate and timely inspections of both residential and commercial properties, AmeriSpec representatives are fluent in ASHI® and ASTM® standards.

Find Your Single, Centralized Inspection Solution with AmeriSpec

  • Centralized Dispatching
  • Easy Scheduling
  • Customized Reporting
  • Prompt Invoicing

When you partner with AmeriSpec for your national corporate account, you gain access to an all-in-one management system that supports dispatching, scheduling, reporting and invoicing for multiple projects and properties throughout any number of states. Tap into this easy administration while satisfying requirements for insurance, real estate and financial institutions at the same time.

Level-up your business with AmeriSpec.

Fill out the form below, and our corporate account experts will contact you as soon as possible.

En cliquant sur « Envoyer », j'autorise Amerispec Inspection Services et ses franchisés à m'appeler ou à m'envoyer un message à mon numéro de téléphone ci-dessus au sujet d'offres (par le biais d'une technologie automatisée). Le consentement est volontaire. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment.